Review: Radio Flyer Deluxe Big Flyer

As my 5-year-old son’s birthday approached, I started looking for a new tricycle since he had outgrown his old one. My son is a little daredevil, so I wanted a trike that looked cool but could withstand rough play. After a bit of research, I settled on Radio Flyer’s Deluxe Big Flyer.

This chopper-style tricycle has a stylish racing design and a large performance-grip front wheel, so daring kiddos can feel like professional racers without the dangers of slipping or flipping over.

Who Should Use This Product?

The Deluxe Big Flyer is an excellent starter tricycle for kids interested in learning how to ride a bike but not ready for a traditional one yet. It is also perfect for children who are afraid of two-wheeled bikes, as it acclimates them to pedaling and riding without the anxiety of needing to balance or the fear of falling over.

This trike provides physical exercise all children need and is a great way to encourage outdoor play, too. When I bought the Deluxe Big Flyer, I was hoping to find a suitable tricycle for my son, who will be transitioning to a regular bicycle in a year or two. He plays rough with his toys, so I also needed a trike that could handle wear and tear.

This tricycle has an adjustable seat that can accommodate a child’s growth. Children 3 to 7 years old are typically tall enough to ride it, and the weight capacity is 65 lbs. Although, children who are short for their age may have trouble reaching the pedals since the seat sits far back.

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What You Should Know

The Deluxe Big Flyer is one of the sleekest trikes on the market, and it includes a few key features that make it stand out from the competition.

  • Huge 16-inch front wheel with a grip for stability
  • A modifiable seat to accommodate a child’s growth
  • Chrome handlebars with a comfort grip
  • A steady ride thanks to its low center of gravity

This tricycle has plenty of excellent qualities that make it a blast to ride, so let’s find out how well it withstood my son’s rough play over the past few weeks.

My First Impressions

My son was out of his mind with excitement when he opened the Deluxe Big Flyer. He wanted to put it together immediately. Assembly is required, but the instructions are very clear and easy to follow, though you will need basic tools.

Once assembled, the bike looked just as cool and stylish as in the pictures. The decals make it look very sporty and ready for racing, which further excited my son. We had to adjust the seat a bit to fit him correctly, but no tools were needed to do so, which was convenient. My son took it out for a spin right away.

He loved the Deluxe Flyer so much that he didn’t come back inside all day. His friends were impressed by the bike’s appearance, and they took turns riding it around the sidewalks. The tricycle rode smoothly on the pavement, but it didn’t seem to work well on the grass or inclines. The wheels were a little noisy, and I felt the front wheel grip didn’t do much.

The Use Phase

While it looks intimidating to build at first, the directions are straightforward. I recommend following the instructions step-by-step during assembly, as each component must attach in the exact right order.

Since my son is very hard on his toys, I was worried about the damage he might do to the Radio Flyer Deluxe Big Flyer. However, even after weeks of racing through the neighborhood and skidding down the driveway, the tricycle remains in great shape. It seems well built and sturdy.


The Deluxe Big Flyer was the perfect choice for what I needed. Its racing design and vibrant red color thrill my son, while its three wheels and low-rider style provide safety and keep the trike from falling over. Because my son is a daredevil, these safety features help me feel confident that he won’t hurt himself because of a defect in the toy.

Final Thoughts

I am extremely pleased with this purchase and have very few complaints about the trike. My son loves the racing design and slick decals. He feels like a real racer when he rides it, and I love that he’s going outside and getting some exercise. Since Radio Flyer has a history of quality products, I know I can count on this bike to last.

Overall, I rate the Deluxe Big Flyer a 4.5/5. Even though it doesn’t move well on grass or uphill, my son can’t wait to hop on it each day. I am looking forward to years of entertainment with this tricycle until my son is ready for a two-wheeled bike.

Brett Gordon

The brains behind The Toy Report. Having clocked tons of time in toys research and online resource development, today, Brett is dedicated to making The Toy Report a trusted space in the world of toy reviews and recommendations.